Grow your business in the areas that matter most.
Less than $200,000 USD in annual sales?
Cras tincidunt lobortis feugiat vivamus at morbi leo urna molestie atole elementum eu facilisis faucibus interdum posuere.
You can pick and choose from any of the features displayed. We want custom feature selection to help you grow your business in the areas that matter most. Try Automyze free for 7 days with full access, and then only pay for the features you need.
A 50% discount on each feature is automatically applied if you have less than $200,000 USD in sales during the last 12 months. When you first install the app, we use historical data from Shopify to determine your sales during the last 12 months.
Billing is conducted through Shopify, and charges are processed through Shopify's merchant invoicing system. Once you start paying for any of our plans, charges will appear on your Shopify invoice and will originate directly from Shopify.